Stretch your mind and your ability to organize your space, your belongings, your time, and your thoughts. Allison Carter, The Professional Organizer, posts her thoughts, breakthroughs, frustrations, and memorable moments as an organizer. Allison also shares tricks that have worked for even some of the most disorganized people to conquer their clutter. Other features: Tips, mind stretches, favorite products, favorite books, and other tools to help people get organized.

Friday, June 06, 2008


In an effort to get paper out of my desk, computer, and email I have started doing a couple of new things to see how it works out.
The first - I love Google Documents! I like to collaborate with colleagues and by starting a document in Google Docs, I don't have to deal with sending a paper back and forth through email revising it over and over.
I simply go to my Google Docs account, open a new document or upload one I already have.
Then I send a "share" link to the person I want to work on it with me, or just someone to look at it.
We can both be in the document making changes and saving at the same time.
It is quite a modern miracle to me - realizing that we just got email 15-ish years ago.
I can make word docs, spreadsheets, presentations and there is even an area to make fill-in-the-blank forms.
I love google so much I wish I could marry it!


Anonymous said...

Since you are already married, maybe you could just be lovers?

I too have been drinking a little too much of the "google punch", as my husband likes to say.

Do you use iGoogle yet? I used to have CNN on my desktop and I have moved on...

Allison Spitzer Carter said...

Yes I have set up igoogle as the open screen on my desktop and use it mostly as:
1. Place to put general notes on stickies - such as web sites to go back to or quick notes.
2. to-do list that I can get to no matter where I am and is easy to add to from email or web surfing.
3. Google blog reader for blogs I subscribe to. I can browse the headlines of my favorite blogs and pick and choose what to read rather than filling up my in-box and feeling like I have to read them.
4. documents is my 2nd tab. I build lots of docs that I may want to show others on the road and docs that require collaboration.
5. Tab 3 is cool stuff like games and silly things to look at occasionally.
6. Tab 4 my 10 year old daughter took over and made it all about pets.